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What is Independent Living Care doing to protect our staff and Participants?

ILC is keeping up to date with any information about the virus from the Australian Government Department of Health.

The safety of our participants and staff during this time is our top priority and our team is available to discuss any queries or questions our participants may have.

Protocols In Place:
  • ILC senior leaders meet frequently to discuss current and emerging issues, government advice and any updates to requirements.

  • Staff and participants will need to self-isolate if they have COVID-19, or if health authorities suspect they have COVID-19.

  • Staff and participants will need to go into quarantine if: they have returned home from overseas; have been in contact with someone who has confirmed or is likely to have COVID-19; are entering certain remote areas in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Territory (unless exempt); are entering a state that has a required quarantine period.

  • Screening all staff. Staff are required to answer a series of questions, advise of symptoms (no matter how minor) and self-isolate if symptomatic as per government guidelines.

  • Any staff member that is feeling unwell is advised to get tested and to self-isolate until they receive a negative result. Similarly, if they have visited a hotspot, as per government guidelines, they must self-isolate for 14 days.

  • For our workers who are unwell and need to self-isolate, we are here to support them. We work on a case by case basis to ensure they are supported during any time they may potentially have off. 

  • Staff are regularly completing the online Department of Health have Infection Control Training Module.

  • Contractor management to ensure their practices are aligned to the above.

  • Ongoing communication with staff. This includes updates to requirements and the importance of standard precautions such as proper hand hygiene, screening participant, cough etiquette and social distancing.

  • Our staff have access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves, disinfectant, wipes and other items.

  • We also encourage our staff and participants to wear a mask when out in the community.

  • Screening of all participants. All participants are asked a series of questions over the phone or prior to Home Care Workers entering their home, to ensure the health and safety of both the participant and our staff members.

  • Non-essential participant interactions will be by phone and we will transition to this over the coming days. This will include Sales appointments, participant Care Manager visits, participant reassessments, and assessments.

  • Cancellation of all participant social group activities.

Whilst we will be making every possible attempt to minimise disruption to your services, we are mindful that our staff availability may decrease as a result of school lockdowns or other such measures.

We may also see an increase in demand for critical services. In these circumstances we may have to prioritise certain services – we will seek to provide you with as much notice as possible and ask for your understanding as we all work together during these challenging times.


What Do We Need Our Participants To Do? 
  • Let us know if you might be unwell and we can reschedule your services

  • Please practice good hand washing and personal hygiene

  • Advise us as soon as possible of any changes to regular Services

  • Observe all the rules and notifications shared by the Australian Government

  • Contact our team if you have been overseas in the past four weeks or in contact with someone with Coronavirus or suspected Coronavirus

If You Start To Feel Unwell:

If you start to feel unwell, phone the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080 or your GP who will be able to provide you with further advice.


Older people aged 70+ (or 50+ for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) or people with chronic conditions are able to seek medical support from their GPs through bulk-billed telehealth (video link) and telephone services.

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